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Contact Us

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New Mexico


Retro-Rockets sterling silver jewelry is inspired by the imagery of the Golden Age of Science Fiction, Retro-Rockets™ Space Jewelry captures the excitement and adventure of a time when space exploration was confined to the imagination!

Please browse our complete in-house jewelry line of Sterling silver pins, pendants, and earrings with Swarovski garnet crystal flame, orange cubit zirconia, or abalone accents. The sleek designs of our Retro-Rockets will delight and engage any science fiction fan. We will also be writing about science fiction culture and news as well as all the latest big news in real life rocketry.


Shipping Info

This page contains Shipping info including our shipping terms of service and our return policy regarding unsatisfactory items and contact info.

Shipping & Return

Terms of Service

Items are shipped (leave our shop) 2-3 business days from the time we receive your order.

All items are gift boxed individually and sent in one shipping box.

Return Policy

Every Item is hand polished and triple inspected before leaving the shop to ensure the best quality possible.  However, if for some reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, Please contact us and we will be happy to accommodate.

The customer will be responsible for return shipping charges.

We will credit back the full amount of the purchase as soon as we receive the returned item/items.

Shipping & Return